New Book Release Coming Soon!

New Book Release Coming Soon!

As a little girl I was fascinated by fairy tale stories. I still love reading books and watching movies about fairy tale prince and princesses. Reading about a princess being rescued by a prince, always made me imagine I was the princess who got rescued.  Then I thought, why not write my own story. However, as I started to write my story, an idea began to form in my head; why not put a twist to it.  So, I wrote my story too! A story that empower princesses.

It has been a long journey. Finally, my dream came true and I am excited to announce that I am now a published author!

 Get ready for my amazing book release coming to you this summer!  My book launch date will be announced soon!

I am very grateful for everyone who has cheered me along on this journey. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you very much. 

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